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Macmillan(Intermediate):Bridge Jones- The Edge of Reason+CDs-2片

商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/vip--af000088096/products/0010489534

'Over there,' said Una. I looked over and saw Mark, dressed in a dark blue overcoat, getting out of a taxi. Then I saw a figure getting out of the back. She was tall and slim, with long blonde hair, and she was laughing up into Mark's face. It was Rebecca.

It's a new year and Bridget has a boyfriend at last, the handsome and successful lawyer, Mark Darcy! But soon the beautiful Rebecca tries to steal Mark away. Unhappy and confused, Bridget decides to go on holiday to Thailand with her friend Shazzer. There Bridget's problems only get worse.

* Extra grammar and vocabulary exercises
* Notes about the story
* Notes about the life of Helen Fielding
* Points for Understanding comprehension questions
* Glossary of difficult vocabulary
* Free resources including activities comparing the Reader and film, worksheets, tests and author data sheets at www.macmillanenglish.com/readers
* Audio CD available for this title

  • 出版社:東華


  • 出版日期:2010/11/09
  • 語言:英文

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泌尿外科主任洪順興,提醒民眾,有排尿困難與頻尿等狀況要立即就醫。 記者周宗禎/攝影 分享 facebook twitter pinterest 許多國人飲食西化與生活習慣改變,越來越多的中老年男性飽受到攝護腺肥大的困擾,調查顯示50歲以上的男性有一半會出現攝護腺問題,不少人服用中西藥物甚至偏方無效後,被迫接受手術治療,又擔心手術有副作用、術後影響夫妻生活。台南佳里奇美醫院今天說明奈米雷射手術治療效果,強調是最新治療方法,以奈米高能雷射能將增生的攝護腺組織瞬間汽化或切除,安全性高且「陽萎」、尿失禁等副作用大幅降低,但因新式手術建保不給付,需自費15萬元左右。泌尿外科主任洪順興表示,雷射手術已有內視鏡刮除手術相同的治療效果,且手術過程出血量極少,減少感染發生,復原時間較傳統手術快,安全性高,適用於高血壓、心臟病、中風等高危險群病人,手術副作用也很少。洪順興指出,50歲以上男性就有半數攝護腺肥大,出現比率隨著年齡攀升,80歲以上幾乎人人都有攝護腺肥大,只是程度輕重有別,「可以說只要活得夠久,一定會等到攝護腺肥大」,有頻尿且排尿困難尿量少等狀況的民眾,應儘速就醫。洪順興表示,攝影腺台灣已邁入高齡化社會,如何讓中老年人生活更有品質、有尊嚴,已是當前醫療發展趨勢,面臨宿命必然會發生的疾病時,需以更正面、積極的態度去面對及瞭解,病人更需與醫師詳加討論,瞭解適合的治療方式,加強溝通,達到最佳治療結果,共創醫病雙贏?

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